A full range of microbiological and physical-chemical analyses

Just by visiting the closest supermarket we can witness the great variety of products and offers at the consumer’s disposal. Throughout our day we consume foods from such varying origins and forms of production that it has become paramount to count with analyses and certifications that guarantee:

  • The sanitary safety of the product or food.
  • Its proper treatment during production processes.
  • The commercial quality.
  • The usefulness of the food in relation to its intended purpose.
  • The calculation of its shelf life, with the purpose of determining the period of time during which a product is safe and complies with its microbiological and organoleptic quality specifications.

In order to certify all of these properties and prevent any of the products in existence to pose a health risk, Anabiol has two specialised areas:

  • Chemistry laboratory: which performs a wide range of analytic and contaminant parameters in food matrices, as well as all types of waters and cosmetic products.
  • Microbiology laboratory: which carries out extensive analytic parameters of indicator microorganisms and pathogens on food matrices, on environmental and surface control on all types of waters, and on cosmetic products.

  • Penicillium
  • Aerobic PCA spread plate
  • DRBC spread plate with moulds
Indicator analysis is effective at evaluating the hygiene during product manipulation, and allows us to verify the need to set forth corrective measures in order to prevent high levels of spoiling microorganisms that may modify the organoleptic properties of end products.

  • Aspergillus brasilensis in DRBC agar
  • Aerobic PCA by spiral plating
Pathogen analysis is key to detecting the presence of microorganisms that may cause health issues (Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens, Bacillus cereus, Legionella pneumophila, …)

  • Salmonella in XLD agar
  • Compass salmonella agar
  • Listeria monocytogenes in Aloa
  • Gallery of biochemical tests

This wide spectrum of microbiological and physical-chemical analyses aims to address the needs of all types of industries; our company specialises in the following fields:



  • Potable water and wastewater analysis
  • Waste and effluent analysis
  • Soil and sludge analysis


  • Analysis of agri-food products for quality control, verification of properties or nutritional and/or sanitary quality control.
  • Analysis of human food products.
  • Analysis of animal food products: animal feed, premix and raw materials.
  • Pollutant and unauthorised substance analysis.
  • Analysis of environment and surface samples in industry.
  • Participation in the National Salmonellosis Control Plan (PNCS), carrying out the Detection of Salmonella spp. in animal faeces and supports that may contain them, as well as environmental samples of the primary production stage (towels, sponges,…) and their subsequent serotyping, if applicable.


  • Analysis of personal hygiene and aesthetics products.
  • Analysis of household cleaning products.

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